There are multiple ways that a user can access their voicemail:
- Phone
- CoreNexa Desktop & Web App
- CoreNexa Mobile App
- Voicemail tab > CoreNexa Automation Manager
Accessing Voicemail via Phone
Checking your voicemail from phone on site:
- Press the Messages Button, or dial *(star) and your ext.#
- Enter your password + “#” (Default is your extension number or what is provided my your administrator)
- Follow the prompts
Checking Voicemail Remotely
For this option to work your calls must go directly to an auto attendant
- Call main number, at main auto attendant press “#” (Or option configured for Voicemail)
- When you hear the prompt enter your box number
- When you hear the prompt Enter your password + “#”
- Follow the voice mail menu prompts
Star Codes to Review Mailbox Greetings or Record New Greetings
You can use star codes and your extension to listen to the existing greetings without leaving a voicemail as well as record new greetings.
Accessing Voicemail via CoreNexa Desktop or Web App
The Voicemail menu item is visible for CoreNexa users with a valid CoreNexa voice subscription. The visual representation of Voicemail gives the user total control over their voicemail versus trying to manage voicemail through a telephone interface.
Web App:
Desktop App:
Accessing Voicemail via CoreNexa Mobile App
- Open the CoreNexa Mobile App
- Click on the Voicemail menu item to see your voicemail
- The following information is available for each voicemail received:
- Caller ID: the name & number of the person that left you a voicemail
- Date & time
- The following information is available for each voicemail received:
- The following are available for each voicemail when you click the voicemail:
- Listen to voicemail
- Voicemail transcription (if purchased)
- Call back
- Message/Text back
- Share voicemail via email
- Delete voicemail
Note you can also delete before clicking in to the voicemail by sliding voicemail entry to the left
Delete multiple voicemails:
- Click Voicemail menu item
- Click Delete in the upper right
- Select the voicemail(s) you want to delete
- Click Delete in the bottom left and confirm you want to delete selected voicemails
- To delete all simply click Delete All in the bottom right and confirm you want to delete all voicemails
Changing Your Voicemail Greeting
- Click Voicemail menu item
- Click Greeting in the upper left hand corner
- If prompted grant microphone access to the app
- If prompted grant microphone access to the app
- Select the greeting you wish to create/edit.
- Tap anywhere to to start/stop recording
- Click Save in the upper right or tap to redo the recording.
Accessing Voicemail via CoreNexa Automation Manger > Voicemail tab
Your customers can access voicemails in CoreNexa Automation Manager by logging in and clicking the Voicemail tab.